Friday, July 28, 2006

I've Been Tagged!!!

Stacie has tagged me to play along, so here goes:

Six Interesting Things About Me:

1. As of today, I have read 41 books this year.

2. I work in drug discovery where I run a liquid handling robot and maintain a repository of plant extract samples.

3. I am double jointed in all of my fingers and my right hip.

4. My natural hair color is brown (I was a blonde child) but I've highlighted it for so long that I don't remember what it looks like.

5. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.

6. Without glasses or contacts I am legally blind.

I am supposed to tag six bloggers but I don't know six bloggers, so if you are reading this then consider yourself tagged!!!

I hope to have a FO to post on Monday!!!


Stacie said...

thanks for playing along!

Queen of the Basement said...

Ha Ha! You are a legally blind blonde!!

Anonymous said...

I am sure that at least 2 of those interesting facts about you comes in handy where the men are concerned. Wink Wink!!