Monday, July 31, 2006

For your viewing pleasure...another dishcloth!

I wish that I had a wonderful picture of a completed Moderne Baby Blanket to share with you today. However, that is not the case as that would have required me to spend many many hours this weekend slaving over it. I slaved over nothing! I didn't want to have a pictureless post, so I knit up another dishcloth to give to my grandmother when her birthday rolls around in October. At the rate I am going, she is going to get like 20----but then she will have to use them. All part of my sinister plan to get back at her for stealing my cat, I will bury her house in dishcloths!

Once again, this pattern is from "The Best of Lily Dishcloths" as you know I love it so. I have a cone of this yarn that I won on ebay, I believe that it is Sugar n Cream Fairy Tale, and I am just going to make my dear Meme dishcloths until it runs out. I am almost out of patterns to try in "The Best of Lily Dishcloths" but I won't fret as I have many many many other dishcloth books. (Meanwhile, I just googled "The Best of Lily Dishcloths and my site comes in third!!!!)

Stacie sent me a beautiful round dishcloth that she made for me along with a skein of Sugar n Cream Strawberry! I was tres excited when I received it on Friday. I will get my act together and prepare it for a photo shoot, perhaps this evening.

Confession time: I have resolved myself to making a mitered square blanket and when the yarn store opens back up on Wednesday I will beging the hoarding of the Cotton Classic at the rate of two at a time. The thought of sewing together 80 squares is a little intimidating, so I am going to study up on the no sew method that Ann and Kay talk about.

I am about to revise and update my LIST. Should be a fun time...I'll let you know if any major changes arise. :-)


Anonymous said...

I will be happy to be the recipient of a mitered square blanket. I will love it!!

Stacie said...

I hope you like the round dishcloth-- I did take a photo if you'd like it. :-)