Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm Good at Planning...

Yes, it's true. I am a planner extraordinaire! So far I have PLANS to make 27 projects! EEK! A lot of these projects are Christmas related, but a lot of them aren't. I am ready to branch out in my skills and really want to make the following items:

1. Ballet Camisole
2. Picovoli
3. Twitterpated
4. Green Gables
5. Ms. Marigold

Aren't I ambitious!!! I have gone so far as to pick out my yarns and colors. Planning can be quite fun!!

I have not ever made a piece of clothing and I think that I might can handle a pattern labeled "intermediate" as I am feeling quite intermediate after my successful picking up of the stitches for my Modern Baby Blanket. Any encouragement would be welcomed!!!

As promised, here is a picture of the ongoing project also known as Mary Heather's version of the Moderne Baby Blanket:

I finished up Block 5 last night, so this evening I will pick up stitches for Block 6 and get going with that one. I am really happy with the way that it is turning out! HOORAY.

I am not sure who the recipient is going to be yet. I thought that I would give it to a girl in my book club who is due in September, but Jason's cycling buddy's wife is expecting so I may give it to them instead. There are many patterns that I have found for baby blankets lately that I want to try, so book clubber's baby most likely won't get left out!

On an aside, I have been lusting after this bag now for longer than I can remember. I love it! While I was yarn shopping online I also came across these and since my circular needles leave MUCH to be desired, I am now lusting after them as well.

I finished up my first scarf for The Think Pink Challenge yesterday when I went home for lunch. I think that it turned out very pretty and cozy, even if it is acrylic! I am going to make some more progress on my blanket and then I am going to get some more pink yarn and make another scarf. I'd like to make 3 all totaled. I think that I can handle that. I mean, what is another project or two when you are talking about 27...


Queen of the Basement said...

Wow!! Your project list is getting long. Mine too!! I am so addicted to patterns and yarn and the whole idea of knitting. I will be here to encourage you. I will stand by your side.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any projects listed with my name on them!!!! :(

Stacie said...

You can do it!

Recy Vintage & Creations said...

Yes, I will take one of the Ballet Camisole, one of the Picovoli, one of the Twitterpated, one of the Green Gables, and one of the Ms. Marigold. Get to knitting, Friend! Oh, and I think I should be considered for a baby blanket to go with my maternity top. It is only fitting! Besides, I very much like the look of the blocked blanket that was pictured, even if it is overwhelmingly pink. (Ick.) I can look past that. Indeed you are ambitious but I think you can do it. There, that was good encouragement, eh?? :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely blanket. Anyone would be happy to have such a fine piece of handy work.


Anonymous said...

I was going to ask for a Christmas gift for my wife. However, since you are so busy (and behind schedule) to so many who love you (or the work you do), I might have to postpone our project till your head is above water.

Very pretty blanket! Nice colors and cool style.


Anonymous said...

I'm loving the baby blanket...update us.