Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Scarf and a Cat

I bought some of the most luxurious Cascade Baby Alpaca yarn at our new yarn store here in town one day last week. I had been in there a few times before and didn't really *need* anything, but recently I decided that I wanted to make Jason a scarf. I never got around to making him one when I was knitting scarves for everyone I knew last year. Fortunately for him, I can knit better now and the yarn that I bought for his scarf is far and away better than all of the other yarns I used. I am knitting it in this K3, P3 pattern. I think that I may never have made him anything before because I couldn't find a style that I was happy with, but really, this is pretty basic! Nevertheless, I am about 3/4 of the way finished with it and hope to get a photo posted soon!

On another note, I am getting a cat! I am both excited and nervous about this because I have never had a pet that I have had to completely care for before. A friend of my aunt got it from a lady that had to go into the nursing home and she really isn't up for taking care of it either. This is really not typical behavior for me, but I am thinking that I will enjoy having him around. Will post his photo when I take posession. Right now he is being spoiled at my grandmother's house until I can go and pick him up!


Recy Vintage & Creations said...

Hooray for cats! Of course, you know that I feel that way. What Knit Wit wouldn't? And I'm very desirous of a scarf in the pattern that you are making Jason. Very Abercrombie indeed.

Anonymous said...

You always promise photos but you never seem to deliver. What is up with that? Are you ashamed of your work?

Anonymous said...

Will you love Goober more than you love me?????

Anonymous said...

Can you please provide more information on this K3P3 of which you speak? I don't know that stitch.