Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dishcloth Update

I have been meaning to post photos of some more of the dishcloths that I made, but I don't have a camera and very often I forget to take them over to Jason's so that I can photograph them there. I made it a point of it yesterday though, so here they are in all of their glory:

I wish that I could remember where I got the pattern for the tea towel, but the granny square and the purple crochet are from "The Best of Lily Dishcloths" and the little crochet one at the top is from the inside of a Peaches & Creme label. It is a little bit smaller than the pattern called for it to be, so that just proves to me that I need to work on my gauge.

Here is a larger picture of Granny:

I had been wanting to make this dishcloth for a while but I was a chicken because I wasn't sure if I would be able to read the pattern correctly. I am proud of myself for getting it finished even if I did make a few mistakes. I will probably make a few more of them to give as gifts, maybe to my grandmother, because I really like the way that it turned out and it was a very quick little project.

Maria (of van driving glory) and I went to the yarn store yesterday and the lady working there said to give them a plug, so Hello to our LYS, Hanging By a Thread!!! While I was in there I got some hunter green 100% Highland Peruvian Wool by Cascade Yarns to make Jason a hat to go along with his scarf. I found a pattern on the internet but then when I got home I was looking through Stitch N Bitch and found a pattern in there for a ribbed hat, so I think that I will just go with that. I've never made a hat before so it should be exciting!

Last, but certainly not least, BIG THANKS to Jason for my cute button that he made me that says "Knitting in the Lab." I love it!!! While I have not ever knit in the lab I am thinking that now is as good a time to start as any!


Anonymous said...

Pictures are good!! I love dishcloths.

Recy Vintage & Creations said...

Where is a pic of the fabled pin? Knit wit wants to see!!!! You have been coming right along with your projects, you little yarn ho, you. I will gladly take one of those cutie handknits pictured most recently. :) Knit wit LOVES handknits!

Queen of the Basement said...

I think that you have made some fine dishcloths, girl. I am looking forward to getting my Granny square soon. I think my patriotic yarn will look fine as a dishcloth!! Until we can work up some felted yarn, it will have to do.

Anonymous said...

I like the purple one- the varigation looks like it made a nice pattern.

The ribbed hat in S&B is super easy, don't worry! I think I've made 3, all for gifts, and they've all been welcomed!