Thursday, June 15, 2006

More Talk of Dishcloths

I had to go out of town for a few days to take my mother to her oral surgery appointment. For some reason they didn't want her to drive herself home afterward...I can't imagine why.

I joined the Monthly Dishcloth KAL this month and the first cloth that we made turned out to be a fish...I thought that this would make a fine gift for either Jason's sister (to go along with her other dishcloths that I made for her) because the men in her life like to fish or for my uncle who has been known to hang dead fish on his wall. Decisions, decisions.

I have given up on knitting for a while after a particularly bad episode with some uncooperative yarn overs and therefore I have turned to crochet. I made my first granny square on Saturday, and I will try and get a picture taken to post on here. I went a little wild at the Hobby Lobby while my mother was at her appointment and bought about 10 balls of dishcloth cotton. (At $1.27 each it's not like I broke the bank.) I am really enjoying making the granny square dishcloth out of the Best of Lily Dishcloths. It goes so much faster than knitting and as I am easily bored with a project that takes forever, this is very good for me. I haven't really done much crochet as I just taught myself the basics about 2 months ago and for some reason reading the patterns doesn't come to me as easily as knitting patterns. I am getting in some good practice though with my dishcloths.

Eventually I am going to move away from the dishcloth...I have started on the 2nd half of a pancho for Brinn that I started about 4 or 5 months ago. I laid it down for a while and just picked it up at the beginning of this week. I am cheating because it is knitted but I really do want to finish it before the child is a teenager. I also bought some very cute yarn to make a pancho for a coworker who is expecting and due in September.

On my agenda is the granny square afghan in "The Happy Hooker." I've bought the yarn and now all I have to do is crank out about 150 squares and sew them up! Hooray.

Maria got the drive the van again on Thursday, so the world is in balance once again.


Stacie said...

I've started making granny square dishcloths as a way to use up smaller bits of left over cotton yarn--I used the pattern from a SnC ball band. Crochet does go faster. I usually crochet baby blankets--knitting sport weight yarn takes TOO long.

There'll be granny square dishclothes on my blog tomorrow:

Recy Vintage & Creations said...

When will you CRANK out my yoga mat bag, Friend? GET TO CRANKING!!! :) I also want something from the "Hooker" book. Yeeeeehaw! :)