Thursday, April 13, 2006

Recommendations From Me!

In my quest to own all fabulous knitting and crochet books I have added the following 2 to my collection: "Simple Crochet" by Erika Knight, and "Hooked on Crochet" by Candi Jensen. They are both very good instructional-wise and pattern-wise.

I have been neglecting my lab work duties momentarily to look through "Simple Crochet" and I am so excited to get to work on something from this great book! It has so many amazing items for the home including sections on pillows, throws, and containers. (Not the categories that you usually find in a pattern book.) Yes, my friends, you won't find one scarf pattern try as you might.

I might just pass this book around to my friends and family and let them choose their this year's Christmas present.

Erika Knight has been calling for Rowan yarns (despite the occassional pattern using leather or string!!) throughout the book, and while I am all for great, high quality yarns, I am going to have to make some substitutions in that department for some more economical yarn choices when I start in on some of these beautiful blankets. Since Mississippi doesn't have a lottery I can't put my faith in striking it rich any time soon! :-)

I have also (re)discovered the yarn supply website I had been using when I can't get to a yarn store, but I will be adding a link on the side of my blog for this site because not only do they have great prices, but they have $5.99 shipping for every order.

Finally, for my non-knitting readers, I have a recommendation for you! Yes, I've not forgotten you...go and check out the new Bath & Body Works website. They have added some wonderful new product lines and I am confident that you won't be disappointed!!!


Recy Vintage & Creations said...

Great recommendations, friend. I'd love to be among the first to pick my present from that book. Send it on over!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally tripping out right now because I'm a fellow "Mary-Heather" knitblogger... and also, we just made the same discloth! In very simiar colors... I'll be posting pictures of my pink-and-khaki one soon.

Great minds (and names) think alike, I guess!