Friday, April 07, 2006

Many projects on the horizon

Since both of my loyal readers have enquired about me not having a new post up yet, HERE IT IS!!! :-) I wish that I had a picture of my current project, which is a rediculously simple crocheted tote bag. Maybe I can get one of those posted when it is finished.

I have received my copy of "Mason Dixon Knitting" and I must say that all of the reviews I've read have been correct. It is really great! I am going to peruse some more and then I will be back with my own 5 star review. It truly looks like a must have!

As the title says, I have many projects that I am wanting to start! I have yarn all over my apartment. The poor boyfriend couldn't even sit on the couch yesterday. It is truly a sight to behold. And more is on the way! After looking through the new book I am really wanting a Log Cabin Blanket all my very own, so I am sure that I will be searching out some yarn for that soon. It is never ending I'm afraid!

Also, the boyfriend's sister, one of my avid readers, has commissioned me to make her a shawl. I'll think about it if she behaves. :-) As 50% of my readership, how can I say no???


Anonymous said...

Please, you must give more updates. We are dying ot hear what you have to say.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed... how can you say no? I must say that your blog is largely geared toward fellow knitters and the like as I have no clue about a Log Cabin whatever it was you mentioned. I can only assume that you are about to endeavor to construct an abode out of yarn. Am I right? I'm excited at the prospect, to be sure.

Recy Vintage & Creations said...

Knit Wit is HERE!!!!!