Friday, May 12, 2006

Field Trip (We Made it Back Alive)

Today was mine and Maria's field trip to St. Jude's and I am proud to report that we made it to and from our destination unscathed. I have to say that St. Jude's is really a wonderful and inspirational place. If you are ever provided with an opportunity to tour their facilities it is really an opportunity that you should take. They also have a very nice gift shop. :-)

I set out on our travels with the best of intentions of finishing one of the two dishtowels I need for the remainder of my mother's day/birthday presents...As you can see, that didn't last very long:

Yes, that is about 1 inch of a dish towel that should be about 20 inches long when complete. Seeing as how today is Friday and I have to make 2 of these by Sunday it looks like my grandmother and my aunt will be receiving 2 cloths a piece along with the promise of a matching dishtowel to follow.
This is the sand stitch pattern that I posted about in my last blog. I really like the way that it turns out and for the most part it is a mindless pattern. These cloths are relatively small...they are about the perfect size to fit in the palm of your hand, so they knit up very quickly.

On another note, I have really enjoyed going to this Mason Dixon Knit-a-long site! You should check out all of the great items that these ladies are knitting from this Mason Dixon Knitting book. If you are a knitter and you don't have it by now, you really should RUN out and get it. The collection of ballband dishcloths on this site are making my one feel lonely. Once I get finished with my current dishtowels I am going to be purchasing many skeins of Sugar n' Cream. MANY.

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